Be part of the Refill Now Community!
Add a public drinking fountain.

Take part to the Refill Now project and help us to add the water refill points missing in your destination.
Fill in the form adding the correct information and a pictures of the water refill point and send to us.
The Refill Now Team will add the water point in the Refill Now Map.
Help us on creating an updated map with all the public water point and fight against the ab-use of single-use plastic bottles.
Thanks for your help!
Refill Now Team


  • If you do not know the name use the name of the street where it is located
  • EXAMPLE: GOOGLE MAP PLUS CODE: 635V+FW Mezzolombardo, Trentino
  • Max. file size: 256 MB.
  • EXAMPLE: Closed due to frost from November to mid-March
  • By submitting this form I confirm that the drinking fountain is active and in good condition.

    Refill Now is a sustainable project developed by an Italian startup ECO-2MD with the aim of reducing plastic consumption in destinations and promoting responsible tourism and behavior.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.